When you buy a motorcycle in Ponte Vedra Beach, FL, you may have heard that you don’t need insurance in order to register it. This is not true. Your agents at Palm Valley Insurance, Inc. want to remind you that you are required to carry liability insurance, but you may not have to pay for additional personal injury protection. However, that may not be a good idea. Let’s find out why.
Florida Requires Only $10,000 Personal Injury Protection
When you register your motorcycle, you will have to provide proof that you have medical insurance or a motorcycle insurance policy that will cover your injuries up to $10,000 per accident. This may make you think that you can get away with a less expensive insurance policy, but if your health insurance covers only the bare minimum, you could end up paying even more in the long run.
One Accident Can Wipe Out Your Savings
If you wipe out on the road and need surgery to take care of your injuries, it’s a good bet that your medical bills will run well over $10,000. It may only be a broken leg, but if the doctors need to place screws to set the bone, you will watch your ER bill go through the roof. How are you going to pay for the medical care? Your rent?
Increase Your PIP Coverage for Peace of Mind
Even if you carry health insurance, it is a good idea to talk to your agent at Palm Valley Insurance, Inc. about increasing your PIP coverage to be able to cover a visit to the hospital. That way you can continue to enjoy the sunshine in Ponte Vedra Beach, FL even if you are out of commision with an injury, instead of worrying how you will cover the bills.